Monday, 16 July 2012

I Stitch Therefore I Stash Site

Sorry for the charts backgrounds being black. When I copied these thats how they turned out when I pasted them. I hope you can still read the square symbals. I hope you injoy these three charts.

This was designed by: Rhona Norrie

  Cross stitch in two strands

       Symbol                       DMC    Anchor   Madeira

1.       Upside down U   B5200     1           2401

2.       Diamond            208          99          804

3.       Black square      310         403        2400

4.       Black heart        321         9046      510

5.       Heart                  666         46          210

6.       Sun                     726        295         109

7.       Star                    727        293         112

8.       Black moon      798        137         912

9.       Black upside

down triangle   904      258        1413

10.   Upside down

triangle           906         256       1410

Backstitch in one strand

1.       Black line       310        403        2400

2.       Blue line         798       137        912

3.       Green line     904        258        1413

French knots in one strand

1.       Green dot     906        256        1410

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Time for Tea Teapots

                     DMC  Anchor     Madeira
Sideways  S   151      733            404
Upside down
Triangle         164      240          1209
Diamond       208     99             804
Diamond      209     98            803
N                   210     108          802
A                   211     342          801
P                   340     118         902
t                   369     1043        1309
Heart         603       55           701
Heart        605       1094        613
Upside down
Triangle     704      255         1308
$                728       305          107
Blackened e 742   303         114
e                   743    302        113
Star            745      300        111
b                   783    306       2509
Moon           798   137     912
Plain moon    799      145     910
C                    800    144     908
 3                   818     23      502
Sideways 9   912      209     1213
Arrow         988      243      1402
Circle with
Line          3607   87      708
 Black backward
R                 3731    76       506
Backward R   3733    75      605
b                 3746     1030    2702
I                    3823    386     2512
Backstitch in one strand
Purple line    208     99      804
Blue line       797     139     913
Green line    910     228    1302
Gray line      926      850    1707
Red line       3350    42       603
French knots in one strand
Yellow dot   743     302      113